Calling Australia from NZ (Step-By-Step)

International dialing codes:
Australia‘s country code is 61.
For calls from New Zealand to Australia dial: 00 + 61 + area code + telephone number.
If you’d like to see a full breakdown of how to call Australia from NZ, including the correct area codes as well as how to get cheap calls then follow our quick guide below!

How To Call An Australian Landline From NZ

Remember to drop the 0 (zero) from the area code.
For international calls dial: 00 + country code + city code + phone number
For example, you would dial 00 61 2 XXXXXXXX (or +61 2 XXXXXXXX)
00 = exit code for New Zealand (alternatively, you can use the plus ‘+’ symbol)
61 = Country code
= Area code for NSW
XXXXXXXX = this is the local number of the person you wish to contact

How To Call An Australian Mobile From NZ

Remember to drop the 0 (zero) from the mobile phone prefix.
For international calls dial: 00 + country code + mobile prefix + mobile number
For example, you would dial: 00 61 4 XXXXXXXX (or +61 4 XXXXXXXX)
00 = exit code for New Zealand (alternatively, you can use the plus ‘+’ symbol)
61 = Country code
= Mobile prefix
XXXXXXXX = the personal number of the person you wish to contact

Australian Area Codes

Area Code Region State or Territory Capital City
02 Central East New South Wales (NSW), Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Sydney, Canberra
03 South East Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS) Melbourne, Hobart
04 Mobile Telephones Australia Wide
07 Queensland Queensland (QLD) Brisbane
08 Central and West Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Northern Territory (NT) Perth, Adelaide, Darwin

Time Zones And Time Differences

State Time Zone Time Difference
NSW AEST 2 hours behind
ACT AEST 2 hours behind
VIC AEST 2 hours behind
TAS AEST 2 hours behind
QLD AEST 2 hours behind
SA ACST 2.5 hours behind
NT ACST 2.5 hours behind
WA AWST 4 hours behind

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Call To Aussie Landline Numbers From New Zealand From Just 2¢ per min

Tiki Talk

Who is this phone card for?
Tiki Talk is a great option if you tend to phone more frequently to Australia and prefer not to have a connection fee.
  • 4¢ per min to landlines
  • 21¢ per min to mobiles
  • No connection fees
  • No hidden fees
See Tiki Talk Pricing


Who is the phone card for?
If you need to make an international call to an Australian landline, then the Rocket card is the perfect option, since it comes with a 49¢ connection fee it is priced to give you super low prices over long conversations.
  • 1.5¢ per min to landlines
  • 20.4¢ per min to mobiles
  • $0.49 connection fee
  • No hidden fees
See Rocket Pricing

Call To Australian Mobile Numbers For Just 14¢ Per Minute

Need to call Australian mobiles? We’ve got you covered.


Who is this phone card for?
Lucky is the cheapest way to contact friends and family on their cell phones with the odd call to landlines. Pay just a flat per-minute calling rate, with no connection fee.
  • 13.4¢ per min to mobile numbers
  • 6¢ per min to landline numbers
  • No connection fee
  • No hidden fees
See Lucky Pricing

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, our service is 100% prepaid. Simply add more talk time as you need it.

Yes. You can keep the same phone card and PIN for years, simply recharge your card when you need more talk time.

Yes, however, they can be reactivated anytime, even if the phone card has expired. You can reactivate your calling card by topping it up online or by phone.

No, your credit never expires. Any credit you have on your card is carried forward, even if your card has expired.

No, we do not charge you extra for using your cell phone to use our service.

No. Our calling cards do not require a physical card, all you need is the PIN number and the local access number to make calls, these are sent to you via email after you purchase. This includes your access code, calling codes, PIN and instructions.

No, all you need to do is call our local access number and then dial the international number of the person you wish to speak to – it’s super easy.

We have access numbers in the South Island and the North Island. If you have a cell phone plan that gives you free calls around New Zealand, then you can use any of our access numbers free. If you don’t have an access number in your area then just choose the nearest, your telco may charge you for that call, however.

Yes, you can call more than 200+ countries with these cards.

Have further questions about how our service works?

Call our customer support team on (09) 886 9903